Selasa, 27 November 2012
Review: Start the Party: Save the World
Adding the word “party” into the title of a game is generally not a good omen. Trying to aim a game at the whole family is a harder task than opening a walnut with nothing but your forehead, so when Supermassive Games came up with Start the Party: Save the World they had a sizable task in making sure it didn’t fall into the oh-so-regular family trap of turning into something totally pointless. Did they manage it? Well… no. Not really.
When the Move was announced, a lot of people were concerned that the market would be flooded with shallow games, mimicking the Wii’s huge library of titles with no objective other than to flap your hands about the place for a few minutes at a time. Save the World takes a few steps to make its mini games a little more skillful, but there’s still nowhere near enough here to warrant rushing out and handing over your hard earned cash. It doesn’t really fare too well from the start, where you’re greeted with a main menu that gives you the choice of Options, and Solo or Group Play. There’s no difficulty settings or extra bonus items to aim for, but if the games are great fun then we could look over that happily enough.
But jumping into the games doesn’t really help much due to just how mixed the results are. With the general theme of Dr Terrible (steady with the imagination…) and his cronies doing everything to get in the way of the World and its day to day running, the mini games generally follow the theme of saving people from nasty situations. There’s no specific order to play them in, and each game is given a voiceover by a cheesy American guy to explain what’s going on and how you can help, so you don’t need to memorise how each game works. From here you’ll be drawing clouds, controlling a helicopter, repairing robots and several other tasks using your trusty Move controller. And while some of the mini-games are really well made, others are just a bit random and frustrating.
A couple of games have you using the Move as a drawing tool, by doing such things as drawing clouds to bounce falling cavemen into caves, or drawing huge laser circles around aliens to blow them up. These games work very well indeed, with the accuracy of the Move helping to make it a quite skillful set of games. Another favourite of mine was the ambulance game, whereby you balance an injured person on a big hand sticking out of an ambulance as it goes up and down hills and over speed bumps. You’ll need to collect first aid kits as you go, and doing so means you sometimes need to throw your casualty around and catch it carefully. It’s good fun at first, but it’s not hard to get the hang of it and once the challenge is gone, it loses its appeal.
This is a problem with many of the games. A few are fun for a while, but the challenge just doesn’t last. Others are just plain repetitive – having to clean, repair and extinguish robots on a production line is interesting until you’ve played it a couple of times, then you won’t go back to it. A second player can make things a bit more enjoyable; using the Sixaxis controller you can generally control something else within the game to make life trickier for the main player, which makes flicking fish into a boat slightly harder when player 2 is moving the boat around the place. But this isn’t all of the multiplayer action you can expect.
So, it’s a party game. Many of the games aren’t great on your own, but surely with a few friends it all picks up? Sadly that’s not really the case. There are a couple of game modes to play with your fellow gamers – Group Play and Quick Fire. They’re both pretty similar; Group Play just lets you play a few games, hand the Move over to someone else and see who gets the highest score. Quick Fire is basically the same, but you only get a short time on each game before it quickly moves on to the next which, for parties, is probably the best bet to stop your viewers waiting for too long. It’s the same set of 20 games you’ve got available in single player, and there isn’t really much of a party element other than taking it in turns.
So Start the Party: Save the World falls into that trap that so many have fallen into before. It’s not really a party game, although it is a game that kids might find entertaining for a couple of weekends. Considering you can pick it up for a touch over £10 it might not be a terrible bet for the kids, but it’s disappointing that Supermassive didn’t do more here, especially considering it’s the second game in the series. Yes a handful of mini-games are entertaining, but it’s not enough to recommend
Review: Get Up and Dance
Dance games eh, can anyone remember a time when they weren’t around? Ok so anyone who can remember a time before the Wii probably can, but now they’re a regular feature across all three main consoles and it’s getting increasingly difficult to ignore them. But with so many now on the market it takes something special to stand out from the crowd and get noticed, and with Get Up and Dance O Games have tried to inject something new into a busy market. It’s a shame it isn’t really enough to wow you.
Leaning firmly towards entertaining a few friends at once Get Up and Dance allows you to boogie along to any of the 30 songs provided either alone or with a few mates. While the options are there to dance alone, it’s the group dance modes that shine the brightest, giving you options to either do one off dances or starting a short career in front of a set of talent judges. It’s easy enough to settle on a lead dancer and assign others as backing dancers, giving a slightly more authentic feel to other “everyone do the same” type games. The odd thing is the choice of songs on offer, where the mixed bag is hoping to please everyone. In reality, in the same way a radio station that’s a mix of Radio 2, XFM and Kerrang would only please the most eclectic of music fans, the selection of songs in Get Up and Dance won’t please everyone all of the time, and you’ll probably only find a couple that you actually genuinely like. It’s not every day you find Pulp, Dusty Springfield and Jessie J on the same menu. As a result it’s probable there’ll be a small argument about song choice, resulting in your little sister sulking when you refuse to dance to Taio Cruz.
Other game modes include an interesting fitness option, which gives you a month-long set of dance exercises with the intention of knocking a few pounds off, but each dance is so lightweight it won’t really do much to anyone except the most doughnut-quaffing fatster, so it’s really an option for someone looking for a longer term game mode to keep them interested. Sadly, with the other game modes being fairly standard fare you’re unlikely to find any real longevity anywhere other than this, and you get the feeling this will find a spot near the back of the game shelf next to the other “party” games that only come out at Christmas, birthdays or any other time where Nan has had an extra sherry and wants to shake her stuff.
This dance is accompanied by the winners of The Gormless Factor 2011
Technically it’s sound enough; the Move integration is tight and responsive, and goes some way to show me just how bad I am at dancing. The idea of playing the music video in the background to make you feel like you’re really dancing in a show doesn’t really work when you end up looking like Mr Bean at a disco, although the younger gamers might find this a nice touch. It also doesn’t help that the little icons telling you what to do come a little later than would be helpful, and falling over is more of a certainty than a worry. It goes well with the Mr Bean look.
So, it’s another dancing game. Another dancing game that does its best to be something new, but all things considered just… isn’t. It works, and isn’t a bad game as such, but when there’s so much else on the market that does the same thing it’s just very hard to give a firm recommendation. If you can pick it up cheap, have a few friends to play with (who each need their own Move controller) and enjoy dancing to every style of music this side of opera, then you might just click with it and have a ball. Otherwise it’s difficult to see where Get Up and Dance fits into a market busier than your average Pussycat Dolls gig.
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Memasang sebuah buku tamu (shoutbox/guestbook) pada sebuah blog adalah hal yang cukup lumayan penting,karena buku tamu ini merupakan salah satu sarana untuk berinteraksi antara yang mpunya blog dengan para pengunjung blog. Dengan di pajangnya buku tamu di dalam blog, maka para pengunjung dapat mengungkapkan isi hatinya tentang blog yang anda buat, yang pasti isi dari sebuah buku tamu ini sangatlah bervariasi bisa merupakan pujian, pertanyaan, sekedar iseng, atau ada juga merupakan kritikan terhadap isi blog anda, dan justru dengan adanya variasi itulah membuat blog kita jadi hidup lebih hidu (kaya iklan aja).
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Selasa, 13 November 2012
Cara Bermain Point Blank Online
Cara Bermain Point Blank online yang benar bagi pemula ini sedikit menyita perhatian saya, karena game point blank sendiri yang dikeluarkan Gemscool ini sangat banyak sekali disukai para gammer indonesia, nah untuk itu ada baiknya kita tahu dahulu bagaimana cara bermain point blank yang benar untuk pemula di internet yang selama ini sedang naik daun. cara bermain point blank ini juga merupakan kelanjutan dari beberapa artikel sebelumnya. nah untuk itu mari kita simak yuuk game point blank ini dan bagaimana Cara Bermain Point Blank dibawah ini.
sebelumnya sudahkah anda mendaftar point blank id?? jika belum ikuti petunjuk bagaimana Cara Daftar Point Blank dan setelah itu baru kita masuki langkah dan cara bermain point blank yang benar. nah berikut cara bermain point blank online.
Login ke Point blank online
Cara Bermain Point Blank Online Yang Benar Bagi Pemula
1. Pada layar login, masukkan userID dan password yang telah Anda daftarkan di
Kalo belum pada daftar, buruan daftarkan ID Gemscool Anda
2. Pada layar pemilihan server, silahkan Anda pilih server yang masih kosong untuk bergabung
ke dalamnya. Tekan dua kali pada server yang disorot atau klik CONNECT di bagian bawah.
3. Bila Anda adalah pemain baru di Point Blank Online, maka system akan meminta Anda
menentukan nickname karakter Anda, yang muncul sebelum bergabung ke dalam lobi game.
Silahkan diisi nickname karakter Anda, dan tekan OK. System akan menanyakan ulang
bilamana nickname yang Anda tentukan salah atau sudah dimiliki karakter lain.
4. Bila nickname sudah ditentukan, maka Anda sudah bergabung ke Point Blank Online sesuai
nickname yang Anda tentukan barusan. Selamat bermain
nah itu langkah yang mesti anda lakukan dalam cara bermain point blank dan untuk yang suka main curan ada juga sedikit tips untuk Cheat Cash Point Blank atau juga Cheat Wallhack Point Blank yang nanti akan banyak juga dibahas masalah game point blank ini. dan selamat anda telah mengetahui Cara Bermain Point Blank online yang benar untuk pemula
selamat menikmati
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